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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY20

released Nov 1, 2019
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2020.

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MCC Program Data - FY24Q2

released May 24, 2024
modified May 24, 2024
foreign assistance

These .csv files contain results, status and financial data included in MCC's open data .xml files and in the IATI registry.

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Cumulative Obligations and Disbursements by Program and Sector FY24Q2

released May 24, 2024
modified May 24, 2024
foreign assistance

These tables offer a summary of cumulative obligations and disbursements by program and sector for all MCC programs, as of FY2024, Quarter 2.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY14

released Nov 6, 2013
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2014.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY15

released Nov 6, 2014
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2015

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY12

released Nov 12, 2011
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2012

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY13

released Nov 7, 2012
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to asses country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2013.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY16

released Nov 6, 2015
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2016

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY21

released Nov 9, 2020
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2021.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY17

released Nov 3, 2016
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2017.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY22

released Nov 9, 2021
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2022.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY18

released Nov 2, 2017
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to asses country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2018.

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MCC Country Program Data - FY24Q4 August

released Sep 20, 2024
modified Sep 30, 2024
IATI foreign assistance

Cumulative program data for all of the Millennium Challenge Corporation's programs, including financial, conditions, and results data.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY19

released Nov 5, 2018
modified Oct 16, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2019.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY23

released Nov 3, 2022
modified Dec 7, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2023.

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MCC Country Selection Indicators for FY24

released Nov 7, 2023
modified Dec 7, 2023

Data used to assess country performance for MCC's selection process in FY 2024.

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M-21-31- MCC MIS Log Schema Format

released Aug 19, 2024
modified Aug 29, 2024
log schema

Satisfy requirements under M-21-31 Improving the Federal Government’s Investigative and Remediation Capabilities
Related to Cybersecurity Incidents (

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Are you looking for data related to MCC’s evaluations of its programs?

Designations of Key Officials and Establishment of a Data Governance Steering Committee under the Evidence Act

In accordance with the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act and associated OMB guidance (M-19-23), MCC designates the following officials:

  • Chief Data Officer: My Le
  • Evaluation Officer: Berta Heybey
They can be contacted at

MCC has established a Data Governance Steering Committee (DGSC) to lead and implement data governance programs at MCC. The committee charter can be found here.

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Data presented on the MCC Open Data Catalog website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied freely unless identified as being subject to copyright protection. In return, we request only that MCC be cited as the source of data copied from this site. We strongly recommend that MCC data be acquired directly from this website and not through other sources that may change the information in some way or exclude material crucial to the understanding of that information. While we make every effort to provide accurate and complete data, some data may change between data catalog updates. Substantive changes may be noted when data is next updated.

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Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. We make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the data of this website and expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions. With respect to the data of this site, neither the United States Government, nor MCC, nor their employees and contractors make any warranty, expressed or implied or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non‐infringement of third party rights, title, and the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to data available from this MCC website or other Internet resources linked from it. Additionally, neither the U.S. Government nor MCC assume any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed herein nor freedom from computer virus, and do not represent that use of such information, product, or process would not infringe on privately owned rights.

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Unless a copyright is indicated, data on the MCC Open Data Catalog website is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published or otherwise used without MCC’s permission. We request that MCC be cited as the source of the data. If a copyright is indicated on any dataset on this website, permission to copy these datasets must be obtained from the original source. This copyright notice does not pertain to information at websites other than this website.